The Hobbit 3 - Chronicle of a badass movie

Publié le par Angel Bain

The Hobbit 3 - Chronicle of a badass movie

On Saturday - two days ago - I went to see the Hobbit 3. I know it has been on since a couple of weeks already BUT I did not had time then.

I quite enjoyed the two previous ones, even if I found them a bit too long. Not boring, but a bit too long.

The third one is for me the best one. I was really impressed by all what Peter Jackson and his team have been able to invent and insert in such a short story without giving an impression of copy'n'paste. Well, a few things seemed misplaced: for example, the part when Sauron tries to come back was definetly an extra. I can understand that it was to make a continuum with LOTR but the movie could make it without it.

Even if they are pretty badass, this scene was a bit of an extra. 

What I also enjoyed in the Hobbit 3 was the way of filming it. In my opinion, most of heroic fantasy, Sci-Fi or magic movies' directors are so plunged in the story, that the style is forgotten. I'm not an expert, but in the Hobbit 3, I found that some scenes had this unusual way of filming we do not quite see in most movies of this kind: for example, the meeting with Sauron, or the madness of Thorin. It reminded me of some parts of LOTR, like when Galadriel touches the Orb - I think it's the name of the magical ball they carry for a moment - or Frodo hallucinations.

Guess who's coming to dinner tonight hehe

I'm not a specialist of this universe, as I did not read the books, only the comics of the Hobbit, but I must say that the movie itself was quite enjoyable. Sometimes Peter Jackson seems to push the epicness so far it becomes almost funny: I'm thinking of Legolas "flying" on the crashing bridge or catching a bat like one catches the bus... The final fight between Thorin and the white orc - cannot remember his name, sorry I'm so bad at names - was also a great achievement.

Maybe the only thing I regret is the too-early death of the dragon, who is literatly played by the always-wonderful Benedict Cumperbatch. I don't understand exacly who these screen-cam stuff works but bloody hell, they do it good.

Hullo, I'm the kind of guy who burns an entire village just because he had a bad day

Anyway. I also regret some deaths - I won't push the spoil by mentionning exacly who, but I had some tears at the end. Even the very ending - cruel for Bilbo and at the same time so cheesy - almost made me cried. 

So, I genuinely believe this was a good movie. I know some long-term fans, who have read the books and so on, might find it disappointing, but as a newbie I really enjoyed it!

Publié dans Blue Box Cinema

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